

Carna4 風乾慢煮 無穀物 鴨肉+胚芽配方 全犬配方 22磅

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    Carna4 風乾慢煮 無穀物 鴨肉+胚芽配方 全犬配方 



    Carna4 Grain-free Duck is whole food nutrition for all life stages of your dog. Our Canadian-made pet food starts with fresh duck (we use the muscle and flesh, no by-products) from humanely-raised ducks on Quebec and Ontario farms. No meat or vegetable meals, ever. We then add pork liver, whole eggs, clean, de-boned herring, whole produce, our certified organic sprouted seeds and nutrient-rich kelp We then quick-bake & gently dry it to give your dog highly digestible vitamins and minerals, without grain or synthetic additives of any kind. No vitamin pre-mix needed, ever.

    Our natural ingredients, particularly our fresh duck, liver, eggs and certified organic sprouted seeds, provide your dog a clean, complete diet that is every-day-easy. Our sprouted seed mix offers a wealth of super-nutrients, including high levels of naturally occurring antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids. By using these seeds in a sprouted state, we boost our food’s bio-available amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, probiotics, Omega-3s and antioxidants to levels far exceeding AAFCO standards. And thanks to our sprouted seeds, Carna4 is LOW GLYCEMIC and LOW GLUTEN – ideal for sensitive dogs. We use only 100% true food and you can easily pronounce the name of every ingredient in Carna4 because all are grown only on Canadian and American farms – not overseas factories.




    由於我們的發芽種子,Carna4是低糖和低谷蛋白 - 非常適合敏感的狗。我們只使用100%真正的食物,您可以輕鬆地在Carna4中發出每種成分的名稱,因為所有這些都只在加拿大和美國農場種植 - 而不是在海外工廠種植。


    We have made several improvements to our original Duck formula in our continual quest to produce the best grain free dog food possible. In 2016 we:

    • Added more duck to raise protein from 27% to 29%.
    • Replaced salmon with herring as #5 ingredient.
    • Replaced potato with ground fava beans as #6 ingredient.
    • Replaced whole peas with organic sprouted peas.
    • Removed rosemary as last ingredient.

    In particular, the addition of fava beans is an innovative alternative to potatoes or dried peas in creating our state-of-the-art grain-free diet. Once cooked (at least to the extent as our quick-bake Carna4 process), fava beans become a highly digestible, safe and nutritious source of minerals, especially magnesium, potassium, folate and zinc; vitamins including niacin (B3), thiamin (B1), A ,C, K and beta carotene.  For more information about this nutritional powerhouse, click here.


    在我們不斷追求生產最好的無穀物狗糧的過程中,我們對原有的鴨配方進行了一些改進。 2016年我們:







    一旦煮熟(至少達到我們的快速烘烤Carna4工藝的程度),蠶豆成為高度易消化,安全和營養的礦物質來源,尤其是鎂,鉀,葉酸和鋅; 維生素包括菸酸(B3),硫胺(B1),A,C,K和β胡蘿蔔素。




    Ingredient List – NEW IMPROVED Grain-free Duck Formula:   

    Duck, pork liver, eggs, ground organic sprouted barley seed, herring, ground fava beans, sweet potato, ground organic sprouted flaxseed, ground organic sprouted lentils, ground organic sprouted peas, potato starch, apples, carrots, sea salt, kelp.

    …Nothing Else

    • Eggs – As a perfect complement to our fresh table-grade chicken and its iron-rich liver, eggs serve up plentiful protein with essential amino acids needed for growth and muscle development, plus naturally occurring vitamin E and 14 key nutrients.
    • Herring –  An excellent source of protein, calcium, Omega-3s and vitamin D for helping to maintain strong bones with a shiny skin and coat, warding against inflammatory conditions like arthritis and combating infection. Herring is also high in DHA and EPA.
    • Organic Sprouted Barley Seed, Flaxseed, Lentils and Peas – Our Flora4 blend of some of the best natural sources of vitamins, minerals, probiotics and enzymes that supply optimum, bio-available nutrition for dogs of any age, size or breed.
    • Fava Beans – are loaded with minerals, especially magnesium, potassium, folate and zinc; vitamins including niacin (B3), thiamin (B1), A ,C, K and beta carotene. They are low calorie and have no saturated fat but plenty of fatty acids. When cooked, Fava beans are a nutrition power-house.
    • Whole Sweet Potatoes & Carrots – Rooted with natural sources of antioxidants, beta carotene (vitamin A), B vitamins and various minerals, including iron and niacin, these garden vegetables add essential nourishment to your dog’s diet.
    • Whole Apples – This scrumptious fruit adds vitamins and disease-fighting antioxidants, while its pectin provides soluble fiber to keep your dog ‘regular’ and help reduce colon cancer risks.
    • Kelp – This nutritious plant provides amino acids, vitamins and naturally occurring trace minerals, including iodine and potassium, as well as other essential micronutrients.

    We test every batch of Carna4 for 15 different pathogens and toxins. Nothing leaves our bakery until it is checked thoroughly for safety.

    成分表 - 新改進的無穀物鴨配方:鴨肉,豬肝,雞蛋,地面有機發芽大麥種子,鯡魚,地面蠶豆,紅薯,地面有機發芽亞麻籽,地面有機發芽扁豆,地面有機發芽豌豆,土豆澱粉,蘋果,胡蘿蔔,海鹽,海帶。


    雞蛋 - 作為我們新鮮的餐桌級雞肉及其富含鐵的肝臟的完美補充,雞蛋提供豐富的蛋白質,含有生長和肌肉發育所需的必需氨基酸,以及天然維生素E和14種主要營養素。

     鯡魚 - 蛋白質,鈣,Omega-3和維生素D的極好來源,有助於保持強健的骨骼,有光澤的皮膚和外套,抵抗炎症,如關節炎和對抗感染。


     有機發芽大麥種子,亞麻籽,扁豆和豌豆 - 我們的Flora4混合了一些最好的維生素,礦物質,益生菌和酶的天然來源,為任何年齡,大小或品種的狗提供最佳的生物可利用營養。

     蠶豆 - 含有礦物質,尤其是鎂,鉀,葉酸和鋅;維生素包括菸酸(B3),硫胺(B1),A,C,K和β胡蘿蔔素。


     全甜土豆和胡蘿蔔 - 根據天然來源的抗氧化劑,β-胡蘿蔔素(維生素A),B族維生素和各種礦物質,包括鐵和菸酸,這些花園蔬菜為您的狗的飲食增添了必需的營養。

     整個蘋果 - 這種美味的水果添加維生素和抗病抗氧化劑,而其果膠提供可溶性纖維,以保持你的狗“正常”,並有助於降低結腸癌的風險。

     海帶 - 這種營養豐富的植物提供氨基酸,維生素和天然微量元素,包括碘和鉀,以及其他必需的微量營養素。
